October 1st, 2019

To all our past, present and future clients:

October is Cybersecurity Awareness month. This is when cybersecurity industry practitioners take time to raise awareness of:

  • the meaning of cybersecurity,
  • ways you can protect yourself and your organization, and
  • the need for all of us to play our respective roles to assure a safe, secure and trusted cyberspace.

A few things of note:

  • Cybersecurity is a risk management issue and should be included in the agenda of the highest decision-making structures of organizations. Boards and senior management need to be on top of cybersecurity issues as part of their risk management strategy and plans.
  • People are the weakest link in the cybersecurity value chain. It is essential to have continuous education and awareness programmes for employees, business partners and customers.
  • There is nothing like being 100% secure. The approximation to this is when your systems are shut down and locked away in some bomb-resistant bunkers.
  • If you are in business, remember Murphy’s Law: anything that can go wrong will go wrongexpect that things will go wrong; prepare for the worst in case they do.
  • When incidents happen, respond quickly to reduce the impact, restore systems and learn from the experience. Incidents offer perfect ‘teaching/learning moments’. They are perfect times to reassess your cybersecurity programme to understand the causes of failure, any other weaknesses that may exist and fix them.
  • Make sure to learn from the experiences of others to avoid paying the same price they may have paid.

And when you need help, we are only a phone call, a WhatsApp message or email away from you.  We are here for you!!

Yours very faithfully,

Agano Consulting Team


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